Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Heads will roll...

I am a little PMS-y today, lol. I was going through my list of blog reads for the morning and I found myself being extremely sarcastic and rude, so I'll opt out of commenting today on others' posts and this will have to count as a post for me. I just found out I have a meeting from 4:30-5:30. Ummm I get off at 4:30. I guess that means I get to take a long lunch today to make up for that time. Maybe that's why I'm cranky. Or maybe it's because my dear sweet husband decided 4ish a.m. was an appropriate time to try and begin play time. For the record, it wasn't, nor will it ever be. He must pay for disturbing my slumber. Off to plot...


Anonymous said...

I read ur title and said "Uh Oh" out loud...LOL

Anonymous said...

4AM is one of the best times to "play"! I hope the rest of your day went well and no one got the evil eye or evil words!

God Bless!

Mrs Count said...

@Kisz-that's how I felt, lol

@L. Marie- Play time is closed from the time I go to bed to the time I return from work!

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