Remember this post? Well hear ye, hear ye: WE GOT IT ALL BABAAAAYYYY! On September 13 The Count will be moving in to our apartment, the rent was cheaper than I expected and the apartment was bigger than I expected. It makes me smile :) We have assigned my mom with the task of sitting at the apartment to wait for all cable guys and furniture people, thankfully she agreed. Shoot, I didn't live in my last apartment long enough for the comcast man to come out! I won't be moving in until after the wedding, so that gives The Count a full month to make sure the apartment will be TM approved :)
Since all these people that weren't invited to our wedding are RSVP'ing do I have the right to expect huge loads of cash or great gifts from them, lol? No, seriously! Yesterday this lady RSVP'd 5. We saw her at church and the count asked who the other people were, you know to keep an accurate count.
Lady: Oh, me, my 2 sisters, my son and his wife.
We know her son and his wife so that was expected. However, I have never met these alleged sisters and I'm sure their names weren't on the invitation.
The Counts aunt offered an interesting solution to our problem with too many people at the reception and uninvited guests showing up. She suggested we have the pastor make the following announcement:
Pastor: Guests, there is an invitation only reception following the ceremony. If you did not receive an invitation, there are plenty of eating establishments up and down this street. Please patronize one of them. Thank you!
Am I the only one that found that funny? I was cracking up.
Last night at church we were passing out invitations.We looked so silly. We were being all secretive because we really can't handle any more people asking to come. We went to give this man one, and I was like "this is top secret." Why did he unbutton his shirt and slide the invitation down there. He was all "your secret is safe with me!" For this girl we went to high school with I walked over and slid her purse off her arm because she was talking to a group of people. And the count stuck the invite in. Then we backed away slowly whispering "this never happened." She was like y'all are funny, and then we disappeared into the night.
I'm done with the wedding talk now until next Wednesday. Ohhh why did I find out this other dude got fired when bosslady did. How I found out was hilarious. I was in a meeting with the new boss and the team that dude used to work for. NewBoss was asking about what type of reports I work on. I was explaining a report trying to see if that's what she was asking about and this happens:
FiredDude'sBoss: "Well if you used to get the report from FiredDude, you won't be getting that anymore!" Then he laughs so loud and hard! I sat there looking perplexed like, what was that all about? This man was seriously cracking up, I thought he would fall out of his chair.
After the meeting I went and asked my workhomeboy (I'm getting out of control with all these nicknames, lol) and he was like yep. He got fired too, same day as Bosslady. I'm going to need a roster of everybody that is gone because I can't keep having all these surprises!
I'm working on a list for tomorrow's post. Since Top Model just started (didn't watch it yet though) I wanted to pay homage to Furonda from a few seasons ago. Remember when she moved in the house and handed the girls a list on how to live with Furonda? I'm making one for The Count. Stay tuned!
Oh and last night, I got up to go to the bathroom around 4. While in there a heard a bang. As always I was convinced somebody was breaking into my house so I froze there on the toilet. After a few minutes I realized how embarrassing it would be if I had to run from the burglar without even wiping myself so I did and then got up. I didn't have my contacts in or glasses on so I couldn't see anything. I was creeping around the corner and then got scared and ran back into the bathroom. It took me like 15 minutes to get to my room. I checked my windows then locked my room door once I was sure the burglar didn't enter that way. Then I found my glasses and did a search of my room. It was then I realized I never washed my hands but I was too scared to go back out. I laid in bed for an hour praying that nobody was in my house. This morning I asked my parents if they heard it, which they didn't. I'm going to be mad if I imagined that darn sound and messed up my night of good sleep!
Marinated Olives and Feta
6 hours ago
Ok... I am the only woman that has never watch ANTM... I admit it. It just never appealed to me. Sill doesn't.
LOL @ at the covert shenanigans of you and the Count.
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