Friday, June 4, 2010

Help me brainstorm

Yesterday I stayed home from work so I could nurse myself back to health. I needed a day to just rest since I hadn't been getting much sleep. I slept until 10. When I woke up my sister texted me that she got the job! So now she'll be moving back up here in 1.5 weeks :) I was so excited and I told her to come over and I'd take her to lunch. My ma decided to get in on the free lunch action and they both came up and we tried out a Mexican Restaurant. It was pretty good. I'll probably go back with MrC so I can try out papusas. I went back home and stayed in bed for the rest of the night.
The person who makes the schedule for the nursery just emailed me the June schedule. Yeahhhh, it doesn't look like I'll be seeing the inside of our sanctuary all month. I am now on a mission to find some faithful workers. I'm going to make a t-shirt since they don't want to advertise for workers in the church announcements (they're scared crazies will come, even though we have to go through background checks). Hmm, what could I put on my shirt? Let's brainstorm.
Front: Don't you hate kids that talk back?
Back: Then volunteer for the nursery, our kids don't talk yet!
Front: *picture of an angelic brown baby* Isn't she cute? Volunteer for the nursery!
Back: *picture of a crying baby* By the time they get like this, we can give them back!
Maybe this is why I don't work a creative job-  I suck at ideas. But I seriously will make a shirt if somebody gives me a good idea. They keep putting people on the schedule that they know don't show up! Maybe I should get the pastor to do a sermon on honoring your commitment. Or maybe I should offer door prizes to people that show up on time. Or maybe I could provide breakfast/dinner for the workers that show up on time. And maybe during our monthly meeting give a reward to the person I feel served without grumbling and complaining. Hmmmm, I'm open to suggestions.
I'm about to go out and get some cough drops and minestrone soup. I hope when I come back you guys have given me lots of ideas on how to get adults to act like adults and show up and do what they signed up to do.


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