Thursday, November 6, 2008

I gots nothing

I don't have a darn thing to post about. Yesterday morning TheCount tried to drag me out of bed though. It failed, and I got to work around noon, lol. I ended up upset and crying at various points during the day but then all at once I stopped. I don't know what happened but I just got happy :) Then we went to church last night which was good as usual, came home and discovered once again our cable didn't work. It said our box wasn't authorized for use. I called and I was so upset because I keep paying for a service that I have problems with every week. Y'all I wanted to fuss but it was 11:30pm and the rep on the phone sounded so tired. She was all yawning and lackluster. Good Lord I felt bad for her. If it doesn't work today I will call back and fuss for extra good measure and then waste my Saturday afternoon waiting for Comcast. Well at least that means I'll have time to do more than wash and wrap hair. I haven't blow dried or curled my hair in a month I think I'll rock some curls for at least the next  month.
I need some ideas. TheCount's birthday is Saturday November, 22. What should we do? I want to go somewhere (not far or expensive) like camping or some cool town nearby. Ohhhh we should drive up to Philly and eat cheese steaks :) Or go to Pittsburgh find the Steelers players and stalk them (although that would be more fun for me). He's been wanting to go play paintball but I'm probably to lazy to organize his friends to go do it. Anyway, help me out people. What can we do to celebrate TheCounts 23rd birthday?


yummy411 said...

have an evening out starting with cirque du soleil on the national harbor.. good luck!

Mrs Count said...

That does sound like a good idea. Thanks!

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