Friday, October 16, 2009

Crazy Love

NikkiBee pointed out that I messed up the link for the broiled buffalo wings. Well here is the correct one. I'll try and remember to correct the one in the post from yesterday- but I'll probably forget in about 5 minutes.
Yesterday my attitude was so funky! This week has been a rough one thanks to my good friend pms. I think I'm terminating our friendship though, she's no fun at all.
Once again, as I do every single weekend wash day, I have an overwhelming desire to chop my hair off. I just want to go on vacation for a week, and come back with it all cut off.
I'm currently listening to Michael Buble's new CD. What music are you playing right now?
I am friends with all of my ex-boyfriends on Facebook (hmmm except one now that I think about it, my sister might be though, I'm going to check). Every time I look at one of their albums or their page I thank GOD He got me out of there. Babies and partying and why the heck do they all work at clubs? Can somebody please tell me how I've never even been to a club but all of those suckers are party promoters/bartenders/musicians?
I've been trying to figure out why my music was playing so softly today and why I had to turn my computer all the way up, and then I realized I had my headphones plugged in. I'm an idiot. Now I'm really jamming with Michael B. I'm waiting for somebody to walk by my door and ask me why my music is so loud.
I'm not going to say anything bad about anybody for the next week. I've been feeling horribly convicted about the words that come out of my mouth lately. I will do better.
TheCount is on to my dinner plan. I still may go ahead and just serve cereal next week for dinner just to further drive home my point, but I miss cooking. I doubt I'll last past next week.
Me likey Michael Buble mucho. I feel calm and mellow listening to this- now it's time to get to work! She gives me love, love, love, love, craaaaaaaaaaazy love


Product Junkie Diva said...

I am pretty careful with my words but my thoughts are another story..LOL I need to do better too because your thoughts can become your actions.

nikkibee said...

still rocking Maxwell's latest.......and I so feel ya re:the words of our mouths...I've been convicted and hyper focused the last couple of weeks to keep my mouth shut if I can not speak life into every situation

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