There are 3 random emails floating around cyberspace of me trying to email these pictures to the blog. I don't know what happened. The top picture is on Saturday, after the big chop. She put a TON of setting lotion stuff in my hair because she had to keep rewetting it since it kept getting dry as she worked on other people. My hair was literally sticky to the touch.
The second picture is how I went to work today. I really like it now! I went to Forever 21 tonight and got some headbands and hair clips. I am downright giddy, because I've also been pairing up my clothes to look cute lately, so you can't tell me nothing! I'm pretty sure I'm going to look like pure awesomeness tomorrow.
It looks great ... I wish I had to the courage to chop mine..
I know my granny told me that I should do it that way it would force me to dress up like a grown person. lol
I love it! You have a lot of growth! I'm sure once you learn more products to play with, you'll be feelign even better! I didn't have any doubts that it would be cute anyway......
You look great!!!!!!!!
You look great TM!!!!!!!!!
I think it looks really good TM!
Diamond earrings? Go Count!
I remember when I cut all mine off - I cried and cried and cried. I just kept wailing "I look like my brother....." LOL!
WHERE HAVE I BEEN??? WOW...GOOOOOD FOR YOU!!! *dance**dance**dance* I'm happy for you.
Wow! Your hair looks wonderful!
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