Friday, May 8, 2009

TM, providing a million smiles a day (or something like that)

I have had so much fun brightening days this week! I gave my coworker a pair of earrings, that she really likes :)
My workout buddy injured herself doing a 26 mile walk over the weekend. I kept telling her to soak in the tub to help her muscles. This chick was like, I don't have time, I took a hot shower. Dude, I didn't say go to a spa, I said sit your tail in the tub! So I made a mix of some soothing bath salts and put it in a pretty container for her, I named it "HerName, Take a Bath!" I hope she likes it, and that her body stops being mad at her.
I hadn't heard from my best friend from college in a while so I sent her a text. Found out she finally started a full time job, yay! I also learned she had to go to the hospital a little while back because she had a nervous breakdown. I'm going to beat her tail when I see her. She shuts people out when she gets sad, so she had been avoiding me because she knew I would have kidnapped her while screaming "Be Happy! I said, be happy!" Since she works 7 days a week, we can never get up cuz that is tiring.  I know exactly what's wrong with her and when it started, so I suggested perhaps she should get some therapy, because I don't think I would handle the conversation with her very well. All she needs a simple slap and a "get over it, you messed up, he's gone, and he's married now. He did you wrong in the end, but you did him wrong first. Move the heck on and YOU be happy instead of wondering why he's not sad or miserable. It's been 3 years, trust me, you have God's permission to be happy, that's what He wants, now come on, we have a great life to live." Since she needs a much more sensitive and helpful approach, I'll leave it to a therapist. Actually, as I was typing that, I was cursing in my head. I don't even curse, so I know that this situation is making me mad I'm making her a "BE HAPPY!" basket. She doesn't have time to go to church these days, so I got her  a good devotional book, and  Lisa McClendon's new CD because I love it! It's very mellow, which is what she needs right now, positive mellowness to come out of this. What you listen to and read really has a strong impact on what comes out of you, believe it or not. I also got her some cookies, bath salts, and bubble bath. I'm trying to figure out what else I'm going to put in her kit. Any suggestions? If you were going through a hard time, what would you like to receive in the mail from a friend? I  Ohhh, I find her some Lakers gear too :) How fun! I can't wait, I have to set a goal to put it in the mail by Monday, I'm really bad about that!
I brightened TheCount's week by doing a top to bottom clean of the apartment without asking for his assistance. I didn't even physically attack him as he messed up the stuff I was cleaning up. I cannot for the life of me figure out how 2 people accumulate so much dirt. I'm convinced people come and hang out in our apartment during the day or that The Borrowers are out to get me. There is no other explanation for all the strange spots in places we don't even go and the fact that I'm always seeing things, but nothing is ever there.  
P.S. the dishes are still in the work sink from yesterday. Now there are 7 additional glasses on the counter. I think I'll use the other kitchen today so I won't have to run into him again, because I don't think I could keep a straight face. I will not be brightening his lazy day!


Anonymous said...

Dear TM, I injured myself on a 10 foot walk to my kitchen. I don't have time to take a bath. Plus, I have no lovely bath salts to put in. Oh, and I'm also terribly sad. And I have no lovely cheer up basket. My address is....

Seriously though, who has time to walk 26 miles, but no time to sit in a tub?

nikkita said...

Girrrrrllll!!! Lisa McClendon is the truth!!!! I've been her fan since we both attended the Potter's House in Jacksonville, FL and I always catch her live when she's in town! All her CDs are healing for the soul.....

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