Thursday, December 17, 2009

A few minutes with good internet connection :)

The internet in the building I'm working this week is so janky! I keep trying to type up posts, but I'll be five lines down before any words appear. It seems to be working alright now, so I'm trying to hurry up and get this post up.
My sister is home :) We went by to see her after church last night. My parent's neighbor died last week and my mom volunteered to do the repast (they've been neighbors for 23 years) so everybody was in the house cooking food and the other neighbors were dropping off their contributions. It was quite the tasty night :) My sister is supposed to be coming up to the apartment today so we can decorate for Christmas. We have a pretty ambitious night planned, there's a lot to be done:
  • Go get a Christmas tree
  • Go to Home Depot to get Christmas tree accessories
  • Fill out her job applications
  • Wash and re twist my hair (don't think this will even be attempted)
  • Wash and twist her hair (don't think this will be attempted)
  • Cook and eat dinner
  • Go get our Christmas jammies from Old Navy
  • I want to go to Ulta and get those Orly mattes that B talked about on Clumps of Mascara yesterday
  • Go meet my new hairdresser (I think I'll wait to do this alone. SisterTM has had some run ins with folks lately that have ended in disaster. I mean, who really says to the orthodontist "fine then you rude b!t(h, I'll just do it myself," sigh, what are we going to do with that girl?
Thankfully TheCount will be at the barbershop so I don't have to worry about him trying to give his input in my decorating tonight. I can see the tree lot from our apartment so I'm trying to decide if it will just be easier to carry the dang tree home (since we're getting a baby tree). I am really excited, let's hope good mood sister shows up and not ungrateful hussy sister.
Tonight I'm cooking a chicken wings and potato feast since my mom gave me a huge bag full of chicken wings and potatoes last night. Do you have a favorite chicken wing or potato recipe? I'm probably going to do baked garlic fries and broiled chicken wings as one set, but I haven't decided on the other varieties. I do have a sweet and sour chicken recipe in my folder that I've been meaning to try- but I haven't even looked at it yet. Leave me a link to some good recipes if you have them.


Product Junkie Diva said...

lol @ "ungratful hussy sister"!!!
You have quite a long to do list on your hands...enjoy :-)

Jameil said...

your list made me want to be even lazier than i am being at current! lol. i hope fun sister shows up too! lol. Potato skins!! Mmmm!! Tree decorations are awesome!!

CC said...

how do you get all that done?!? I will give up after number one. You have determination. I am so lazy I was seriously contemplating going to take my final yesterday.

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